Tartu Summer Swing 2023 “lite”

Attention! Tartu Summer Swing 2023 will not happen in the format announced.
Instead there’ll be a smaller-scale event Tartu Summer Swing 2023 “lite”!
If you registered before 20th June 2023, then we’ll get in touch with you to find out what you want to do.

Time and Place

Tartu Summer Swing 2023 “lite” will take place 12th-13th August 2023.
The event will take place in Tartu. The classes will take place in the Tartu Swing practice hall at Kastani 48. The location of Saturday’s party is still being worked out.



Gas and Alba love swing, balboa and blues. They’ve dedicated their lives to this music and to these dances. They learn every day and they grow as dancers and as teachers continuously. Their roads crossed in 2013 and together they created the club Big Mama Swing in Madrid. They teach and work together at international dance festivals from Melbourne to New York and all over Europe – at the Herräng Dance Camp, the Snowball, and at Lindy Shock. Read more about Gas and Alba here: https://en.gasandalba.com/.


The lindy hop classes will take place at two levels: beginner-intermediate and intermediate-advanced. For each level on Saturday, there’ll be two 90-minute classes.

Sunday is a blues day! There’ll be two 60-minute classes, which will not be differentiated into levels.
We’re open to people registering for multiple levels for lindy and for different roles (e.g. if you want to register for your weaker role at a lower level, and your stronger role at a higher level). Just indicate this in the registration form.

Dance Nights

On the Saturday there’ll be a dance party. And depending on who’s in town, we’ll be organizing some informal socials on the Sunday and Friday nights – for those arriving earlier and leaving later.


Participants should themselves look for a place to stay. But we’ll mention that near the practice hall there’s the Hektor Design Hostel and the Looming Hostel. Of course, Tartu isn’t a big city – the town centre is also nearby.


Close to the practice hall are quite a few restaurants and cafes in the “Aparaadi tehas” courtyard.


⦁ Two 90-minute lindy hop classes 55 €
⦁ Two 60-minute blues classes 40 € (Sold out!)
⦁ Two 90-minute lindy hop classes and two 60-minute blues classes 90 € (Sold out!)
⦁ Four 90-minute lindy hop classes (if you want to learn at both levels) and two 60-minute blues classes 135 € (Sold out!)
⦁ All prices include admission to the party on Saturday.
⦁ A stand-alone ticket for the party on Saturday is 10 euros (on the door).


11. August

  • 20:00 – Party – Kultuuriklubi Salong, Vanemuise 19, Tartu

12. August

  • 10:00-13:15 – Lindy hop intermediate-advanced
  • 14:45-18:00 – Lindy hop beginner-intermediate
  • 20:00 – Party – Club Gutenberg, Kastani 42, Aparaaditehas

13. August

  • 11:00-12:00 – First blues class
  • 12:15-13:15 – Second blues class
  • 20:00 – Party – Elutuba Lava Taga, Kastani 42, Aparaaditehas


What becomes of my booking and paid-fee from before 20th June?

All earlier registrations are cancelled. We’re sending an email to everyone who registered. If you have already paid the participation fee and you register to the “lite” version of the event, then we’ll transfer to you the difference in the cost. If you have already paid your participation fee and you let us know that you don’t want to participate in the “lite” version of the event, then we’ll transfer 100% of your paid-fee back to you.

How can I pay the participation fee?
After you’ve filled out the registration form, the TSS team will send you a confirmation email. In that email will be information about payment. We’ll ask you make a bank transfer. If you need a receipt, then please let the TSS team know.

How quickly do I have to pay?
Once you’ve received the confirmation email from the TSS team, we ask that you pay the participation fee within 7 days.

I’ve not yet received the automatic confirmation email. What should I do?
Please make sure that you add the correct email address. If you haven’t received a confirmation email within 3 working days, then please contact swingtartu@gmail.com.

What does it mean to be on the waiting list?
During the registration period, you’ll be added automatically to the waiting list. The TSS team will look over which group suits you best, given your experience, register you, and send you a confirmation email. In our experience, those who register without a partner will probably be on the waiting list for longer. For that reason, we recommend that you look for someone you can register with (so that lead and follow can register together). NB! We’ll register at most one extra participant for every 6 lead-follow pairs.

What levels are there in the classes?
The lindy hop classes take place at two levels (beginner-intermediate and intermediate-advanced). In order to join the beginner-intermediate group, you should have completed at least one lindy hop beginners’ class, know the 6 and 8 count basic steps, know how to do a swing out and how to a lindy circle. We ask that you are as detailed as possible about your previous experience on the registration form—it’s on this basis that participants are divided into the two levels.
The blues classes will take place without being differentiated into levels.

Do I have to register with a partner?
Nope. However, registration with a partner for the same level guarantees a place for both in the classes. NB! Both partners should still register separately. A person’s “partner” means: someone in the other role (lead/follow).

What happens if flights don’t arrive on time, etc.?
If it happens that the teachers don’t arrive to Estonia because their flights were cancelled (a strike, a cancellation, an extreme delay), then Tartu Swing will try to find a way to make the classes happen, but obviously we cannot guarantee the classes announced would in this situation take place.

Reimbursement and Cancellation
If the festival is cancelled for reasons relating to the organizers (personal reasons), the participants will get a 100% reimbursement of the participation fee.
If at the time of the event, proof of vaccination rules apply in Estonia, then the organizers will not reimburse the participation fee (to those who don’t have proof of vaccination).
A participant has a right to sell their own ticket onwards to someone else in the same role at the same level only if they have the permission of the organizers.

Data Protection
Photographs and videos will be made at the event. They’ll be used on Tartu Swing’s social media accounts and webpage.
Personal data collected for organizing the festival will be held by MTÜ Tartu Swing for only 2 years.
Extra information: the organizers may make small changes to the festival programme and timetable without announcing these to the participants.

The Festival’s concerts are supported by the Tartumaa Expert Group of the Cultural Capital.

Contact Information

If you’ve got any questions, then we’d prefer that you write to us with those questions by email: swingtartu@gmail.com

However, if your question is urgent, then feel free to call one of the following:

Ingmar 56631133
Maie 56672603
Lili 5100967
Liis 56480065